Alhamdulillah. Another intermahallah programme went very well. TRADITIONAL & CULTURAL WEEK 2012 (TnC 2012). This one week programme was held from 26th - 31st March 2012 to implement and accentuate the value of culture and traditional among CFS IIUM students. The programme was scheduled with CARNIVAL, CHARITY CONCERT and SUKANEKA RAKYAT. Mahallah Aisyah was chosen to be the 'host' for this grand occasion and this involved all line-ups of MRC of all mahallat.
CARNIVAL was held in front of Mahallah Umar Al-Khattab and Mahallah Khadijah, and it was the best time for students to have a different taste in their every day meals and fashion. As days moved on, a grand CHARITY CONCERT was held at AMF Hall on the 29th March 2012. The concert aimed to gather donations for the humanitarian services at Cambodia, hence lending a hand to our Muslim brothers and sisters which are in need of better educational facilities. The concert was abuzz with many special performances by UNIC, Saujana, Du'a, Dikir Barat, Zapin & Caklempong, Qasidah and Marhaban. Great performances guys!!
And our last event of the programme was SUKANEKA RAKYAT, held on 31st March 2012. Though it was drizzling that morning, yet it made no one call off from the main agenda of the day. Many traditional games were highlighted for participants to compete among themselves, aside from recalling sweet memories of the childhood games. Among the games were baling selipar, galah panjang, tug of war, tarik upih, futsal kain sarung, lari kaki tempurung and many more exciting games.
Ok. Here are some pics of the events throughout the the week. ENJOY!
Nampak sedap~~
carnival depan Mahallah Khadijah
carnival depan Mahallah Umar Al-Khattab
Foreigner pun turut belajar kecek Kelate dengan Mek Aimi
"Brothes/Sisters, nak join charity concert? Ada UNIC, Saujana, Du'a.."
Ayat yang sama nak promote join charity concert..
Timbang jangan tak timbang..
Tang duduk bersimpuh yang mahal tu... =)
Mai kak, mai bang..
Pertandingan membuat layang-layang.. teringat zaman kecil2 dulu
Eh!! Apa kat atas sana tu??
(yang tengah tu Program Manager TnC)
Oh! Layang2 rupanya. Tingginya. Lagi tinggi dari mahallah~~
Barisan Usher yang segak dan ayu menanti ketibaan VVIP. ^.^
Nak masuk tengok concert? Lepasi pertahanan kami dulu.. ;p
Dean turut turun padang untuk sertai program kami.
Thanks a lot Dato'
Caklempong. Serba kuning diimport dari SM Sains Alam Shah (ASiS)
Lelaki berzapin?? Hebat! Dari ASiS juga
Dikir barat plop.. =)
Saujana dengan lagunya yang amat best! Patah Hati~~
UNIC.. amat lawak mereka ni. Best bro!
Subhanallah.. Kecur air liur tengok hidangan untuk VIP ni..
Behind the scene. Team of catering.
Tapi tak semua la. (ada gak yang sesat)
Mai2.. sapa nak autograf, nak bergambar.
MC yang amat memeriahkan suasana. sempoi!
Committee nak jugak bergambar. Kenangan~
Rebut kerusi tu jangan tak rebut..
Aik! Bila masa ada pertandingan main takraw?? Musykil..
Teng-teng.. Pergh!! Lama tak main.
Elok2 main tu. Jangan terbang kain tu sudah la..
Galah Panjang.. Ganas2 gak sister CFS ni rupanya..
Congkak. Yang sedang main tu Madam Isfadiah.
Principal Mahallah Aisyah
Brother main batu seremban?? Serba boleh diorang ni..
Ready girls~~~
Ready guys~~
Apalagi? 1, 2, Tarik!!!
Tarik!! Tarik!!
Tu muke gelak ke apa tu...
Closing ceremony.. penuh tu
Traditional hingga ke akhirnya..
TnC dalam kenangan~~
Alhamdulillah. Thanks a bunch to all students of CFS IIUM who involved directly and indirectly in making our programme a success. We hope that this programme will at least leave you with sweet memories of our cultures and tradition. We seek for apology for any shortcoming and inconveniences that may cause you. InsyaAllah, continue to support us in our next future programmes. This will be our last intermahallah programme of the session. Till then~~
Wallahu a'alam.

Seronok betul TnC!Thumbs up u ollsss~ :)
terima kasih juga pada anda cik nadhirah mokhtaruddin.. hebat team special task
sama2 :) klas gitu.alhamdulillah,selesai sudah TnC.Seronok dapat berkenalan dgn smua Mrc~
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