Kaifa hal bro & sis? InsyaAllah kullu antum bikhair. It was the third week in a row we, MRCMAB has scheduled interactive activities for the mahallah residents. Alhamdulillah.
This time around, MAB Futsal Carnival was held on the 15th April 2012, whereby the event took it place at CFSIIUM Sports Center. 20 excellent futsal teams that MAB has ever had compete to be the unbeatable team in the quest to be the champion of the Principal's Cup. The matches started at 9.00 a.m for the groups.
The participants in each team showed the best of their zealous sports spirit. The cheers, the slight injury, the sweat, the heat from the morning shines. All protruded at the best manner. The quarter, semi and final rounds continued to rumble the joy of the day after Zuhr' prayer. 8 teams fought at these rounds. Though it was roars here and there in the sky, they seemed 'drown' in the match they dealing with. All matches ceased at 5.45 pm and followed by the closing ceremony at MUK lobby area. Alhamdulillah.
Here are some photos captured during the event. Enjoy!!
Panas pagi tak patahkan semangat juang mereka..
Gelecek jangan tak gelecek..
Antara penonton dan pemain yg sedang menunggu giliran..
Jadual match
"Amek kau.. Lontar peluru aku buat~~" =)
"Apa tengok2. Keputusan adalah rahsia.."
Op2.. Dah out..
"Meh! Nak tunjuk skill sket.."
Principal pun turut 'turun court' untuk menyaksikan perlawanan..
Principal yg bertopi tu..
Principal yg bertopi tu..
Khusyuk nampaknya...
Muaz Zulkhairi. Program Director dan juga Referee permainan..
Jadual match quarter, semi dan final round
Match penentu 1st and 2nd places
Tu dia~~ Diciumnya bola tu lepas dapat bolos ke gol lawan..
Suasana closing ceremony
Subhanallah~~ Tapi untuk komiti dan VIP saja.. =)
Tapi ini habuan untuk para pemenang..
1ST PLACE - Rajawali FC
3RD PLACE - Buri-Buri Zaimon FC
4TH PLACE - Herbalife FC
5TH PLACE - Kaki Bangku FC
7TH PLACE - Lubuk FC
8TH PLACE - Perkasam Goreng FC
Wakil team Rajawali FC. Our winner. Tahniah!!
Depa dapat Hamper, Wang Tunai, Sijil dan juga Bola Futsal. =)
Congratulations and greatest gratitude to all winners and also participants who had spiced up the event. May Allah bless us all. We seek for apology for any shortcomings and inconveniences that had happened. We hope that through this sports carnival all of us could gain the benefits physically and spiritually. InsyaAllah.
Wallahu a'alam..

1 comment:
hua3...memang terbaik laaaa..
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