Alhamdulillah. On the 7th April 2012, MRCMAB had organized an intra-mahallah programme, named MAB Slaughtering Course. This time occasion aimed the residents of the mahallah to gain more knowledge on the practical method of slaughtering aside from only theories we learned.
The slaughtering took its place at Mahallah Fatimah Az-Zahrah (credit to Sir Taifunisyam for permitting us to throw our 'party' at MFZ) at 9 in the morning. As 50 chickens were waiting for to be slaughtered, the participants and committees were also preparing themselves for this cause. 'Rewang', sharpening knives and all sorts of things. Principal of MAB, Ust Hasanul Basri was in charged in giving all of us the briefing on the slaughtering processes. Alhamdulillah, all went very well.
In the evening, the BBQ session started off with the rain pour quite heavily. Yet, the event went good as the BBQ session was carried out under the roof. At night, a closing ceremony was held. To be precise, the ceremony was meant for the closing of three intra-mahallah programmes, which were MAB Short Film Contest, Mahallati Jannati and MAB Slaughtering Course. The night was tremendous with mouth-watering delicacies and 'fog' of the BBQ-ed chickens filled up the environment.
Here are some photos during the event. ENJOY!
Menunggu masa...
"Bila la abang2 ngan akak2 ni nak sembelih ni? dah tak sabar dah ni.."
"Sabar dulu dik. Biar akak rewang2 jap.."
"Abang2 ngan pakcik pun nak rewang gak.."
Pisau kene tajam kalau nak sembelih
Ustaz Hasan memberi taklimat penyembelihan...
Disaksikan oleh 'Ustaz Don CFS' =.=
Khusyuk benar nampaknya..
Mai sini. Nak tunjuk skill..
Kalau nak sembelih, pastikan letak pisau serong sikit. Senang nak sembelih nanti
Pastikan jugak putus dua urat ye..
Sisters pun nak gak sembelih..
Macam takut2 pula..
"Entahlah diorang ni. Tengok aku. Rileks je.."
Nak sembelih baca BASMALAH dulu ye..
Sembelih kerana Allah.
Itu cara dia tuan2. Pegang pisau macam nak potong riben majlis..
"Putus ke dop tu??"
'Cabut bulu' time...
"Tarik gini caranya tuan2 kalau nak cabut bulu tu..."
Memotong pula..
Kami REMPAH girl. Mesti sedap rempah kami..
Apa yang diamati brother ye agaknya.. hmm
bila nak masak ni..
Komiti LEADTRAIN pun tidak ketinggalan..
Alhamdulillah.. Banyak rezeki malam tu..
Madam2 juga tak ketinggalan memeriahkan suasana. TQ madam2. =)
Kami geng bakar
"Cuba lah rasa koktel I. Sedap tau.."
Rezeki yang melimpah. Bersyukur padaNya
Jerebu ke..??
Dah makan kene basuh juga..
Special thanks to all MRC members for joining this MRCMAB occasion and be a part of the programme. Not to forget to all participants and special guests who had spiced up our event. May Allah bless us all. InsyaAllah, this kind of programme will be planned in our next future programme and continue to support us.
p/s : Admin seeks for apology for being late in updating this event. Admin kinda busy lately.PEACE.
Wallahu a'alam..

yeyeyeee...ada gambar saya..leadtrain....
untungla gambar dia ada...
best.. gambar saya pun ada... sebenarnya bukan gambar tu yang kita nak, tapi pengalaman serta pelajaran yang boleh kita ambil daripada apa yang telah kita hadapi masa hari tu... walaupun kena 'pret' dengan ayam sengal tu, tapi saya bersyukur sebab dapat sembelih lagi setelah tiga tahun lamanya saya tak sembelih ayam... :) keep going...
insyaAllah Aisyah. pengalaman itu lebih penting. ilmu ditimba bukan hanya dalam bilik darjah saja, tapi juga melalui pengalaman..
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