Alhamdulillah. Leadership & Training Workshop (LTW) MRC 2011/2012 went very well. On the 24th to 26th Frebruary 2012, a team of MRC of CFSIIUM, comprises of MRC MAB, MRC UMAFZ, MRC Zainab, MRC Khadijah, MRC Aisyah and MRC Maryam, have attended the LTW at D'Muara Marine Park, Kg. Sg. Haji Dorani, Sungai Besar, Selangor. This 3-day-2-night programme was organized by RMDD, patronized by Madam Rose Haliza Harun.
The workshop was conducted by Success Touch Consultancy, a very experienced consultancy which has led LTW MRC 3 times in a row and what we can say is that they are the BEST! There were many activities held, aimed for moulding a better personality, leader and teamwork. Among the activities held were Candle War Game, Personality Test and Menu of Life (tested our cooking and survival skills.. =D). The big family of MRC had really enjoyed every moment there. The laughter, joys, fun, reflections and all things we learnt there are truly worthy.
Ok. The moment of photo sharing has arrived. Let's take a look at some photos taken. We credited Sis Najah Hakimah, Success Touch and Bro Abdul Rahman for these photos. ENJOY!
besar kecil besar kecil...
bro Halim.
International Code : 111
ukhuwah MRC ketika menyanyikan lagu 'Gemuruh'
amanat sebelum 'berperang' dalam Candle War game
posing habis 'Imam Pasific' kita
muka puas hati lepas memasak..
harapnya makanan tu pun memuaskan hati la.. =p
MRC Ohsem!
MRC Whoa!
MRC Marvellous
barisan photographer ternama MRC.. =)
MRC Dabom
MRC Letop
penat berprogram..
Alhamdulillah. Everything went well. Special thanks to RMDD for organizing the workshop for MRC big family. InsyaAllah, with this event, we will try to commit more excellently in our programmes, as Allah has paved us the way with this ukhuwah. =)
wallahu a'alam..

1 comment:
whoaaa !! best best ...
welcome :)
nie nak amik juga gambar2 yang ade yee :) thanks ~
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