Alhamdulillah. Another inter-mahallah programme went very well. Local Community Service or LOCUS 2012 took its place at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Pulau Carey, Banting, Selangor from 27th - 29th January 2012. The motivational-based camping was organized by all MRCs (under the name of Solid Touch Consultation), collaborated with Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) of the school.
A bunch of 32 committees went there at 4 in the evening by bus and reached there by 5.30 pm. As soon as we reached there, we were welcomed by the Principal of the school, Madam Sita Devi Krishnan and few other teachers. After congregational Asar prayer, this motivational camp was officially started. This 3-day-2-night programme filled with slots for the total of 40 participants, which comprised of Indians, Malays and Aborigines. The food and beverages were cooked and prepared by the committees ourselves.
The programme were filled with Latihan Dalam Kumpulan and a talk by Ustaz Che Abdul Majid Che Omar. Among the LDKs were self-reflection, explorace, kapal karam, silent killer, session with parents and few others. For instance, there was the time of module 'Kapal Karam', a few participants cried because they felt very touched when one of the team members ought to be sacrificed. Through this, we could see that they were motivated concerning the importance of the ukhuwah as a team.
On the last day, parents and teachers were invited to attend a session with the participants. The module was about the induction of motivation among them. The relationship between them are vitally important. Therefore, this module was created specially for that purpose. At the time, we could see a cluster of participants and parents cried during the self-reflection.
After the session, there was the closing ceremony of the programme. Lunch was provided for all attendees. We packed up all the materials and departed back to CFSIIUM at 2.30 pm. All the sweet memories will remained peacefully in each and everyone of the committees and participants. InsyaAllah, if Allah permits, we will go again there for any follow ups and visits.
Here are some photos during the programme. ENJOY!!
Geng Catering
Angry Bird~~
Kene denda ke??.. ;p
Tersenyum lebar Programme Coordinator kita..
Aih~~ akak angry bird join jugak.. =)
Tersenyum lebar akak diba kita~~
Semangat benar abang Rahman kita~~
potong jangan tak potong~~
zaidan, posing maut nampaknya.. haha
talk by Ustaz Che Abdul Majid
untunglah dapat masak~~
ustaz Hasan dan bro Mat Nasir.. the advisors
inilah tapak perkhemahan program..
yang diorang ni tengah explorace rasanya..
abg Zaidan SpeTech kita.. rajin benor nampaknyer..
sental jangan tak sental..
sesi muhasabah diri bersama Afwan~~
aik?? melompat dari unit catering nampaknya..
saat yang memilukan..
mengeluarkan air mata keinsafan.. T.T
best participant.. A+D. yang berbaju merah itu..
rupanya dia ni pun menangis jugak masa modul Kapal Karam..
sayu nampaknya..
terbayang ibu bapa kita di kala mereka melihat kita melakukan kesalahan terhadap mereka..
beginilah sedihnya..
luahan kasih seorang ibu..
amboi.. Bergaya sungguh abang TB kita..
LOCUS 1.0 dalam kenangan..
the theme song for the participants is "Gemuruh" by Faizal Tahir. =)
wallahu a'alam...

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