Alhamdulillah. On the 15th May 2012, RMDD staffs and MRC members have been gathered in a splendid event held at Kompleks Tabung Haji, Kelana Jaya. The ceremony was to appreciate all the works that all RMDD staffs and MRC members have put their pretty efforts in. All MRC members have done their best to serve the residents with activities and inputs.
The ceremony went smoothly with the mouth-watering delicacies served and wonderful performances. Few awards were also presented during this special occasion. These were a few of them. The awards are as follows :
Best President : Che Abdul Rahman Mohamad, President of Mahallah Umar al-Khattab/ Fatimah Az-Zahrah
Best Mahallah : Mahallah Khadijah
Best MRC : MRC Mahallah Zainab Jahsy
Our 'career' as the MRC members halt at this point at once. We would like to seek for apology for any unfavourable circumstances that may discomfort you by any chance. Not to forget, if there is any of our works and serves did not live up to your expectations, we apologize to you. We have done our parts to our best, yet Allah the One who decides.
These are the pictures captured during the occasion. ENJOY!!
Antara staff RMDD yang turut hadir..
MRC Mahallah Abu Bak'r
MRC Mahallah Umar al-Khattab/ Fatimah az-Zahrah
MRC Mahallah Khadijah
Antara MRC Mahallah Aisyah
MRC Mahallah Zainab Jahsy
Antara persembahan yang dipentaskan...
Our VIPs..
Best President : Che Abdul Rahman, MRC UMAFZ
Saguhati dari MRC MAB
Kek sempena Hari Ibu dan Hari Guru
Dalam Kenangan...
MRC Memories..
Alhamdulillah. Everything went well. That's all from us, all fellow MRC CFSIIUM Session 2011/2012. We hope to meet you again next session with all new and fresh line-ups of MRC members.
*I, Muhamad Nazrin Syafiq bin Khairi, Secretary MRCMAB Session 2011/2012, as the admin of the blog for the session would like to seek for apology to fellow readers for whatever inconveniences that I've caused you. Pardon my wrongdoings and my English.. =) I am now officially signed out as the blog author for the session.*
Wallahu a'alam...

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