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Sunday 8 January 2012

Name List (LATEST) : Relocation of Residents


The registration for Semester 3, 2011/2012 has begun at Mahallah Abu Bak'r As-Siddiq. For those who have not register yet, you may check your name and room number at this blog. You may also check yours at the notice board of Mahallah Fatimah Az-Zahra and Mahallah Abu Bak'r As-Siddiq.

For residents of Mahallah Abu Bak'r, you ought to check your name at the notice board at the mahallah to check for any relocation. You don't have to go to Mahallah Fatimah Az-Zahra for checking. As for former residents of Mahallah Aisyah, you are advised to check yours at Mahallah Fatimah Az-Zahra as to ease you in the registration process, either in Mahallah Umar or Mahallah Abu Bak'r. Do refer to this link :


We apologize for the late news. However, we hope we could help you in anyway we can. The names in the list are the names of residents of Mahallah Abu Bak'r As-Siddiq and former residents of Mahallah Aisyah for Semester 3 only (according to matric number).

Above all, we are welcoming all residents to the mahallah. =)

wallahu a'alam..

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