Assalamualaikum to all residents. Kaifa halukum?? InsyaAllah bikhair. Hope that we are all in the pink of health and in our best condition.
We would like to inform you about the distribution of RM200 voucher from the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) to IPTA students. The distribution will take place as stated as follows :
1. Valid until 31/03/2012.
2. Can’t be changed into cash.
3. The ownership can’t be changed.
4. Only valid with the university official stamp.
5. Valid at any book store all over Malaysia.
6. 1 booklet consists of 4 pieces of RM50 Baucer Buku 1 Malaysia per student.
7. Malaysian students only with active status as at 1 January 2012.
8. Please present CFSIIUM matrix card upon collection of RM200 Baucer Buku 1 Malaysia.
For a clearer view, you may click at this link :
p/s : Ambil jangan tak ambil.. ;)
wallahu a'alam..

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