بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
There are complaints from Mahallah Abu Bakar (MAB) residents and MAB Cafe customers about price at MAB Cafe. MAB Representative Committee (MAB MRC) already reported about this matter to Mr. Principal. He then ordered a survey and inquiry to be conducted by MRC.
According to our calendar, we will conduct Mahallah Survey only in the next semester; but as Mr. Principal ordered a survey about MAB Cafe to be conducted, a survey is conducted only on the MAB Cafe. For that, we still seeking cooperations from MAB residents and MAB Cafe customers to tell us or MAB Office about price at MAB Cafe. We conduct this survey and inquiry using your comments, complaints, suggestions and reports.
Mr. Principal also heard that many MAB residents currently dine at Mahallah Umar al-Khattab (MUK) Cafe everyday. He support and affirm that action.
I saw that there was an action towards MAB Cafe made by some MAB residents to decrease prices of foods and beverages at MAB Cafe.
MAB also received an insistence to change the current contractor of MAB Cafe to the new one. For information, MAB has no power to change it as the power for that matter is reserved only to Administration and Service Department (ADMIN). Sometimes that power is executed by central - IIUM Gombak - Development Division through Facilities, Food and Service Department.
Just now, I made a rough inspection towards MAB Cafe in the capacity of MRC member. There are rumours that MAB Cafe will decrease prices of foods and beverages for students effective from yesterday (4 December). That rumors now are reality - it was realized. We thank those who had took action towards MAB Cafe to decrease prices of their selling.
Please be informed that ADMIN already met the manager of MAB Cafe to discuss about complains towards MAB Cafe received by them. That meeting is one of the causes that made the price of foods and beverages at MAB Cafe are decreased. We appreciate the power exercised by ADMIN through Food and Beverages Unit in solving this matter.
However, MAB still seeking responses from residents and Cafe customers about the new price of the sellings at MAB Cafe. We hope that all will be satisfied with the prices offered by MAB Cafe.
Should you have questions or comments about MAB, please call 03-79462458 or text us at 018-8731480.
I thank you.
Covering Secretary of MRC
Mahallah Abu Bakar (Petaling Jaya), IIUM
5 December 2012
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